Venus Flytrap (Dionaea) 1x Seedpod

Venus Flytrap (Dionaea) 1x Seedpod


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Pod of 30+ open pollinated seeds from our collection of almost 300 flytrap cultivars. Harvested December to January. Shipping is free!

Important for beginners: Growing carnivorous plants from seed is typically a slow and delicate process. For example, an American pitcher plant we sell for $9.99 can take 3-4 years to grow from seed, and Venus flytraps may take up to seven years to reach maturity.

Additionally, it’s essential to understand that when growing cultivars like Venus flytraps from seed, the offspring are not genetically identical to the parent plant. While the seeds share many traits with the parent cultivar, each one is genetically unique and cannot be considered a true cultivar.

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